During his inspired reign the church has reached many lightyearmarkers and made many inspired directional changes.
The faith of the Martian Church grew considerably under his auspices, through his various revelation-proclamation-decrees including; The Proclamation on Units of Intra-Species Sexually Reproductive Social-Organisms, The Manifesto Destineo©, Hermaphrodite Extermination Order, and Official Declaration on Robot Evolution©. He was also in office to oversee important policy changes such as Robot Ancestry Database Research, and the inspired Amendment to Hermaphrodite Extermination Order; Hermaphrodite Toleration Exhortation, as well as the further development to Secret Martian Ritual, such as S.M.R Express©, and S.M.R3.0© for Robots.
His rise to power punctuated the end of the much complained about Human Hegemony over the Church, and also the end of the poisonous Anti-Reptilian sentiment that was such a hindrance to the work of the Church. Surely the Gods' hands are over all motions of history, and it was according to their will and master plan that the Reptilian Empire Annexed/Occupied so many of the Martian Church's planetary colonies. For surely these events prepared the way for the Gods to raise up Gorgon the Wrinkly to heights in the Church that otherwise would have been denied to him.
As Gorgon put it, "Surely this occasion (the coup that installed him into the Church Presidency) marks a new chapter in the growth and development of the Church. The former Human hegemony has been an obstacle to the Church's progress in many quadrants of the galaxies. And now, the Gods have appointed me as a token of their commitment to all sentient beings that they are to be ruled from a single centralized power structure which will put an end to the tumultuous struggles that mar these galaxies."
Who can forget when the whole of the Martian faithful waited in anticipation to learn the will of the Lords when Gorgon announced the change in temple design from Pyramid style to Underground-Fortress style in preparation for the new developments in Secret Martian Ritual that the Gods wished to reveal to the Church. And when Gorgon announced the new aspects included Human Sacrifice, there were many who's faith was lacking and apostatized from the Church.
But the marvelous plans of the Gods rolled forward and, fortunately, when the revelation was ratified and sustained by the Church the Gods revealed through Gorgon that it had all been a test, and that instead of being used for Human Sacrifice the new Underground-Temple-Fortresses would be gateways into the Martian Heavens. And surely it is so, as evidenced by the large numbers of Church members who have gone into the new Temples and never came back out. After having been to the Martian Heavens who would want to come back?
What a glorious blessing that the faithful have received, while those who were too weak to receive it apostatized and will never receive those blessings, but will be thrust into everlasting blackness and darkness.
Perhaps what Gorgon will best be remembered for is his amazing examples of faith in leadership of the Church through times of crisis. When it was discovered that the Church sponsored Hospitals were being used to illegally harvest Human body parts to be sold to black market occult food stores, Gorgon received a revelation from the Gods about who was responsible. It was of course an Apostate-Organic-Human-Ape-Creature who worked at the Church-Records-Headquarter-Office-Starship, which the Gods told Gorgon to have destroyed. Gorgon's faith was so strong that, even though his own company -Human Carcass Disposal Services Interstellar©- was also located onboard that ship, Gorgon still obeyed the Gods and ordered his private mercenary army to destroy the ship with all aboard.
May we all learn from Gorgon's example and obey the commandments of the Gods unhesitatingly and without question. And may we also grow in faithfulness and obedience to the new Prophet-President/Dictator-For-Life-Beast, Tammuz S. Monsterson. Verily I say unto you Amen.
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