Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Gods say unto you "Teach ye Our GoodSpell©"

We members of The Church of the Martian Saints Incorporated© are under a strict commandment from the Gods to actively seek out and indoctrinate the Heathen-Gentile-Beasts. Whenever someone looks us in the eye we should take the opportunity to missionatize them, and we should expose ourselves to them spiritually, letting them know of our vibrant faith in the Martian Church.

If you are one of the faithful who obeys the commandment to always carry a copy of the Book of Martian with you, you should always carry it in the open, preferably reading it, so that you can be as a sign of faith to those around you, and always be ready to preach to the unbeliever-beasts. The Prophets have promised us that if we read the Book of Martian at all times no matter what else we are doing; walking, flying, operating machinery, performing medical operations; as long as we are reading with true intent, we will be protected and whatever else we are doing will be successful. What an amazing promise!

After the Elder Martian Saint-Prophet Nelph arrived on the Promised Planet of Mars and he found none there to be proselyted he exclaimed "Oh, wretched Organic-Human-Ape-Creature that I am! For while I have been commanded to preach, smite and babtize the inhabitants of this Promised Planet, lo, verily there are none here for me to do so with. Verily I am cursed of the Gods. Mine sins must have been before their many eyes/optical receptors, for they have seen fit to give me a commandment that I cannot yet fulfill. I know that mine brotheren have gone outside of the walls of our Holy Dome and have been cursed with the sore cursing of green skin, but I am even more cursed because I cannot preachify to any but these rocks. Would that the Gods would make these rocks to become quickened and sentient that I might convert them to the GoodSpell, then I might receive the rest to my soul that I seek for these many years."

Of course Nelph's prayer truly was heard of the Gods and he was able to teach to many of the robot-probes that he found, and he received a testimony that his preaching was heard of them, that the Robot-Probes did indeed believe in his words, and that his efforts were acceptable to the Gods.

Why can't we all demonstrate the faith of Nelph? Why is it that even though we are so blessed as to live around other sentient beings we feel uncomfortable with exposing ourselves to them spiritually? Do we not believe in the words of St. Slimert the Wise who said "Verily I say unto you, #badagat^*-zing-#^<.>~woobie~`'badagada/balagat**-_-_+, and also wherever you are, that is where you must preach, smite and babtize, for verily the Gods have placed you there to be as their slave messengers unto the fulfilling of their words, !..{zadal} nannoooot. And if ye know of any, I say again, any, that are not converted unto our faith, ye must pursue them as the great Hunter-God Zlazbuulog and either convert them, or kill***slidow#*wadd, zootzoot"

This passage is so important that it is written partially in the highly sophisticated sacred/secret-code of the Great Prophet which is a sign of just how serious the Gods want us to take our sacred mission to preachify unto the as-yet unconverted.

And how marvelous the GoodSpell© is to those who receive it. How well have you received it? This has to be measured by how many beings you have brought into the Church. For it is too selfish to be seeking in thy own mind to understand these things, the blessing of spreading Martianism should be enough to anyone who is truly seeking to be obedient to the Gods. These things I say unto you, AMEN.


  1. God, I hope that was satirical because that was pretty darn fuuny. It seriously made my day.

  2. Satire is of the Satan-Sneakafuus©!!! No one who truly believes in Martianism would dare to be satirical! It is clear to me (because the spirit of the Gods has given me the gift of being able to read your thoughts) that you are a filthy minded unbeliever! You are transparent to me! You must repent, and be babtized, and pay your tithing to the Martian Church!
