Friday, March 27, 2009

Happiness precedes the pünishment.

Many Heathen-gentile-beasts say “I’m happy with my beliefs” when we tell them they need to hear the Missionary Lessons. Why would they say such an absurd thing? Why would you be happy with your filthy and false beliefs!? If I was not member of the Martian Church I would live in constant dread of the pünishment that would befall me for not believing in Martianism and trying to find happiness in Gentilism.

The Great Prophet explained the reason why the Gods’ pünishment of nonbelievers is so fierce; “Verily there is a pünishment that is affixed in opposition to the happiness, yea as a balance to maintain the order of the Gods. For many are those who would gain happiness through abomination, and joy through worldliness. Therefore it is meet that the Gods would pünish them for their happiness, yea, even so ye may know that when you chance upon a happy heathen-gentile ye may know his pünishment is sure and dreadful, lo even unto the doom of the darkness and gnashing of the bad-place which is likened unto an everlasting lava pit of doom. Pity the heathen-gentiles, nurture them with the good faith, expose yourselves to them spiritually, and save their souls from the pünishment laid in store for them.”

This is why your personal happiness is not a measure of your correctness before the Gods! Neither is so called “logic” or “reason,” as these are tricks used by the Satan-Sneakafüsse© who does plant such ideas of happiness into the hearts of many with sin and that which is abominable unto the Gods.

The Gods have the fullness of knowledge, and when we die they will explain fully all the things that we do not understand, we must not think we can have a full understanding of things the way they are while we are mortals! We must simply have faith in the words of the Prophets and wait until we die.

I laugh at the so called “science” of the heathen-gentiles, they will never come close to a true understanding of reality. Why do you think so many of them are unbelievers? That proves that they are wrong, and in fact they are deceivers! Because they secretly study from the Book of Martian and steal from the coded portions for their “inventions” and then try and claim the credit for there abominable heathen-gentile scientism. This was proven by a great Martian researcher-investigator when he showed that the lines of code used to program computers and robots appears like unto gibberish just like the coded portions of the Book of Martian appear to be gibberish! How can anyone not see the truth of Martianism!? It is so plain! The Gods must have a special pünishment laid up in store for the heathen-gentile scientist-deceivers, for they are a great hindrance to the work of the Gods.

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