Saturday, January 24, 2009

Elders Reptor and Galaxos

Elder Reptor, a Reptilian, is a Zone Leader-Beast in the OGSP.

He is a convert to the church. His first contact with the church was when two human missionaries knocked on his door appearing delicious to the taste and very desirable. Reptor's parents subsequently captured the missionaries and put them in a cage so they could be fattened up in preperation for a heathen Reptilian Cult feast. Reptor, at the time only a youngling, would feed the missionaries and would listen to them as they preached. He believed in there words but was unable to be babtized as the missionaries were eaten. It wouldn't be until much later when Reptor served in the Reptilian Military and was involved in an invasion of a human planet that the opportunity came for Reptor to fulfill his dream of converting to Martianism and serving a mission.

Many species harbor Anti-Reptilian sentiment, and this fact sometimes hinders Elder Reptor's missionary success.

His Junior Companion is Elder Galaxos

Elder Galaxos, a Cyborg >species unknown<, was in a terrible saucer crash as a teenager. The Doctors were only able to save his brain and drool glands (His brain was also moderately damaged, and had to be supplimented with computer chips).

Though not very bright or popular with the other missionaries, Elder Galaxos has a "burning testimony" programmed into his computer chips and is very loving and affectionate; especially to elder Zeek.


  1. You disgust me sir! You have great need to repent! May the Gods have mercy upon thine soul. Amen
