Sunday, January 25, 2009


  • Q) Where did Martianism com from?
  • A) The Great Prophet.

  • Q) Why is it called "Martianism?"
  • A) The name is derived from the Book of Martian; the book translated from tablets on mars by the Great Prophet by the power of the great Peep-Stone.

  • Q) Where did the Great Prophet get the tablets to translate? or, How did the Prophet possess tablets from a planet he never visited?
  • A) The translation of the tablets was a great miracle. Because he possessed the great Peep-Stone, The Great Prophet did not need to have the tablets in his literal possession in order to translate. That is how powerful the Peep-Stone is.

  • Q) What is the name of The Great Prophet?
  • A) His name is too holy to utter, it is also forbidden to make any kind of image of The Great Prophet.

  • Q) Whenever I read the Book of Martian, it seems like gibberish to me.
  • A) That isn't a question! The Book of Martian seems like gibberish to you unrighteous heathen-gentiles because you have impure eyes.

  • Q) Why does the Church of the Martian Saints Incorporated not have any presence on the supposedly holy planet of Mars?
  • A) Promised Planet is what we call it. The reason we do not have a presence there is because the Satan-Sneakafüsse© stirred up the hearts of the heathen-gentiles to anger and wrath against the Holy Temple-Pyramid of Cydonia, and the Martian Saints were denied access to Mars.

  • Q) Why doesn't the Martian Church prosper as well as the Human/Gaian Confederated Systems?
  • A) Because the wicked and abominable Human/Gaian Confederated Systems conspire to keep Martianism down! They have also stolen secrets from the secret coded portions of the Book of Martian and that is where their "scientists" get their ideas.

  • Q) Why don't Martian Church members use the secret coded portions of the book of martian to develop their own technological infrastructure?
  • A) This Q&A session is over! You are clearly a hard-hearted heathen-gentile-beast of impure, filthy mind/program!

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